Co-Founder Message

Indranil Ganguly
Mr. Indranil Ganguly

Pharmaceutical Education and Research, in India is shaping up impressively in recent times. The number of educational institutes offering pharma education is increasing all over India, testifying to the fact that, Pharmaceutical education and research has gained tremendous importance. Bir Bikram College of Pharmacy is one such new Pharmaceutical teaching institute just started at Dalura, Khayerpur, Old Agartala, with an ambitious vision, " to be among the leading professional training and research institutions in the field of Pharmacy in India " and mission, " to provide quality education and training to the upcoming pharmacy professionals by creating an environment conducive for effective and sustainable learning ".

Education should result in emergence of a personality, which not only make one capable of looking after them but makes one a good citizen who can builds the world into a better place to live. Every mind dreams of achieving its desired goal of life, which is possible only with adequate knowledge and professionalism. We are here to find your steps from "where you are" to "what you can become". You will definitely enjoy the journey to actualize our shared dream and to dream new. The era in which new generation is growing is far challenging than what we have left behind.

On behalf of the entire BBCOP fraternity, I welcome you to our institution. Here you will find a dynamic, friendly and disciplined atmosphere to Learn to Serve the society. Highly qualified, enthusiastic and dedicated teaching staff will be with you to transform your dream into reality. We are committed to build the College as 'Center of Excellence' with best infrastructure, innovative teaching-learning process and best learning resources. I hope you spend the most amazing and memorable years of your life in our institute making bonds that will last forever.

Our focus is therefore, to be the leading pharmacy professional training and research institute that imparts quality education and stress on overall personality development of its pupil and thereby envisioned to build a strong competent Pharmacy professionals for the nation.

We, at Bir Bikram College of Pharmacy, are motivated not only to provide quality education but also to create competent, confident and skilled professionals. We believe it is a small step in building a strong knowledgeable nation. A healthy growth does never mean only academic results, but it also means a wholesome growth which includes extracurricular activities, sports, personality development and building communication skills.

Welcome to Bir Bikram College of Pharmacy