Bir bikram college of pharmacy

BIR BIKRAM COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, Khayerpur, Old Agartala, Tripura- 799008 is established on 14th March 2023 under the aegis of BIR BIKRAM EDUCATIONAL & CHARITABLE TRUST and started functioning from 1st September 2023 after receiving all the affiliation and approvals from different authorities.

The college is approved by Health & Family Welfare Department; Govt. of Tripura & Pharmacy Council of India (A Statutory body under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India.), New Delhi, which is the apex body for conduction of Pharmacy Courses in India. It is affiliated with Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar, West Tripura- 799022 for B. Pharm course (4 Years) and affiliated to Tripura Board of Pharmacy Education, C/o. RIPSAT, Agartala, West Tripura- 799006 for D. Pharm course (2 Years).

The college aims to provide quality education in Pharmacy field to meet the need of students, pharmacists, pharmaceutical organizations and health care professionals.

The college is located at Khayerpur, Old Agartala, Near Bank of India, West Tripura- 799008 a self-contained campus with a built-up area of about 34,000 Sq. ft area. It is well connected from all the districts of Tripura.

Recent Activities

International Women's Day
  • 08 March, 2024
  • 06 March, 2024
Athena 2023
  • 05 Oct, 2023